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Calibrating Pressure Switches with a DPC Application Note
Calibrating Pressure Switches with a DPC Application Note
Pressure switches are used in a wide variety of monitoring and control applications, such as HVAC air provers, defrost sensors, filter indicator applications, oil/ hydraulic filter alerts and process break detectors. A pressure switch is triggered by changes in pressure within a system, which can be measured as pressure, vacuum, or differential between two pressure inputs. In every case, the pressure switch will employ a diaphragm, piston, or other pressure-responsive sensor coupled to a switch actuating mechanism.
In its most basic form, a pressure switch can monitor air flow in a heating system or control gas pressure in a water heater, acting as the watchdog in many process monitoring applications.
Accurate calibration of pressure switches is a critical step in ensuring process quality and the safe operation of equipment. But even the most savvy process technician may not fully understand the correct method of calibrating pressure switches. Fortunately, the best tool for the job is one many process technicians already own: a documenting process calibrator, like the Fluke 750 Series.
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